Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Thank You Note

Throughout the course of bringing Fabulous Shoe Night from mere idea to execution, I have been cognizant of one very important fact; that while I may have given "birth" to the concept, without the proper people around me, it would remain just that … an idea. Although I am acutely aware of what I sense as magic and serendipity all around the project, without concrete action, I know that magic has a way of fizzing out when ignored, and serendipity only works if it's mysterious, mercurial powers are put to good use. But both magic and serendipity would surely dry up without the singularly most important Universal law out there … gratitude.

While I plan to introduce all the members of my advisory board in future blog entries, one member stands out, and he deserves to be introduced first. Strange having a male advisory board member for something as decidedly feminine as Fabulous Shoe Night, you may ask? Well … yes and no. For while I may be the heart and soul of FSN, Jeffry, my friend of 20+ years, is the circulatory system that keeps things moving along. I can't help but think of the word "verb" when I think of Jeffry, for he is the personification of an action word. Actually, "verb" has a distinct look in my mind's eye when thinking of Jeff … cartoon block letters in Superman colors of red, blue and yellow, deeply outlined and shaded in black, with an exclamation mark at the end. A big one.

This project would simply go no where without Jeff, for so many reasons. He is ridiculously accomplished, well respected, energetic and charismatic, a real people-person, and sublimely connected. His best attributes, though, are his gigantic heart and his dedication to charitable endeavors. He doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk ... all over the globe … and is leader of the pack. Best of all, there is a dash -- just a dash! -- of male ego … just for spice. I like to kid him every now and then that while his initials may be JC, he cannot walk on water. And let's not tell him about the Superman colors … he may run out and buy a cape. But ... then again … I may let him wear it. At advisory board meetings only.

So, thank you, Jeffry, for helping to bring my dream of FSN come to fruition with your knowledge, heart and action. I love you, my friend … but something tells me you may already know that, don't you??


  1. Jen,
    Enormously generous and kind words. Much appreciated.
    Heading out cape shopping. :)
    I have walked on water on occasion but only when it is frozen. Probably doesn't count.
    Happy to be a part of the initial stages of what will be an incredibly successful venture.
    Love our friendship and love you too.
