Thursday, January 5, 2012


I've never been a fan of New Year's. There's something about straddling  two separate years, so close to one another … able to look back, yet forward at the same time, that makes me nervous. I feel like I'm at the edge of a cliff … looking back at the year about to end as solid ground, while the year looming ahead is like looking out into open space. There's nothing tangible … it is truly the unknown. It feels as if I'm perched at the edge of that cliff, about to hurtle myself forward … out into open space. And it's scary.

2011 was a hell of a year for me … and I'm not going to sugar-coat it. It was a year of extremes … no middle-of the-road here, but instead chock-full of some wonderfully high highs, and some kick-in-the-stomach lows.  Yet I think if you look at any year overall, good and bad, with the attitude that it was a learning experience, you're a step ahead.
It's almost incomprehensible to me that this time last year, the phrase "Fabulous Shoe Night" had yet to enter my head. Just eight months later, we are a steadily growing group of amazing women, sharing so much more than just a love of shoes.  As a group, we have made a positive, tangible difference with each and every event we held. I'm so incredibly proud of how far we've come in so little time.

I've also learned a lot. 
I've learned to be flexible. FSN has been through several different  incarnations in the few short months we've been in existence. New ideas are always coming, and some concepts have had to be set aside. But change is good.  Change = growth.

I've learned to treat it as a business … because we are a business. We are in the business of raising money for charities. Sometimes business and friendship aren't the best mix, but that doesn't mean it can't work.  Lesson learned. 

I've learned that not everyone is in this for the charitable component; some people are just interested in the social aspect FSN provides. That's okay … we have room for everyone. We are fun, and we all need a little fun in our lives … in our fabulous shoes.

I've learned people can be profoundly disappointing, and I'm reminded of a quote by Maya Angelou; "When you know better, you do better." We're out to do better … in our back-yard, and beyond. Sometimes you have to let go of the toxic people, the ones who drag you down. Instead, I've learned to surround myself with enthusiastic, positive, supportive people, and remain focused on the finish-line … wherever that is.

I've learned that Fabulous Shoe Night is ever-growing and evolving, and that many, many more lessons are forthcoming.

So, as I stand at the edge of the precipice of 2012, I know that challenges lie ahead. I'm eager to see what this year brings, and how many more people we can help through our combined and dedicated effort. I look ahead with hope … and, to be honest, some trepidation, yet secure in the knowledge that I stand with my arms linked with the amazing women that make up Fabulous Shoe Night. I am so thankful for the vision, advice, knowledge and support of these women as we stand teetering at the edge of this cliff together …

I mean, have you seen our heels?

1 comment:

  1. This time last year the only time you ever used the word 'fabulous' was when? Maybe not quite in the capacity it has now become irrevocably bound to now. I personally am a spectator when it comes to shoes. I knew I could never play with the pros when it came to shoes. You turned a love of heels into something unimaginable. Pat yourself on the back if its not already sore from the kudos received since this brilliance began to sparkle more than a diamond owned by Liz Taylor. Your a keeper Mrs. McDevitt and then some! Here's to 2011, which may be considered in the past but is walking along with you right into 2012. Can't wait for the excitement and energy to keep building.
