Monday, August 22, 2011

It's Always Something .....

So, here I am, going blithely along, working on Fabulous Shoe Night. Finally, I feel I have found my "calling," so it doesn't feel like work at all. I have felt, and written more than once about, the unmistakable magic and serendipity I feel all around this project, and I am humbled, and so very, very grateful for the overwhelmingly positive response the concept has generated. I am confident I am on to something here … something that can make a real difference in the world. Things are going along swimmingly, right …..??

Well, maybe not as much as I may have first thought. I know that anything worth doing, and doing well, will run into obstacles at some point. There is no way to predict at what point those obstacles will occur, or what they may be, so when they strike, you get the wind knocked out of you … even though you have convinced yourself that you are fully prepared to deal with whatever may come along. Let me preface things by saying that today, almost 3 days later, is the first time I am able to talk about, think about, and write about what happened without breaking down in tears. I am a crier … you might as well find out now.

 There was a misunderstanding. It happens. A lot. Humans, and human communication, are flawed. I thought I had given the go-ahead for some work to begin. I thought that work was currently in process. It was not. At all. I didn't find out until 7 weeks later. Seven weeks. Almost the entire summer. Seven weeks. SEVEN.

 Was this done maliciously? Absolutely not. Was I furious? Yes ... VERY. Did I cry, scream, rant and rave in private?  Yes. Have I gotten down to the bottom of the communication breakdown yet? No. But I will. Is Fabulous Shoe Night adversely affected in any way? No … I don't think so. Have I learned a very valuable lesson? Oh … HELL, yes.

(Deep, deep breath.) Click, click, click, click. 

 That's me … in my stilettos. 

Can you hear me coming? 

Because I am … more determined, and certainly wiser, than ever.





  1. Hang in there Jen. Every dream and new biz has their obstacles in the beginning, you'll recover quickly! Sending hugs. Jeannie

  2. Hang in there - growing pains!
